Key Product Updates for 2024 HEADER


Welcome to Berjé Online; a tool designed to share our insight on a global range of products. Our market reports are stocked with regular updates on growing regions, crop calendars, and long-term price trends of the most critical ingredients in flavor and fragrance commerce.

Key Product Updates for 2024

Feature Article
5th February 2024

Cedarwood Oil Texas The domestic Cedarwood Oil industry has returned to normalcy after a somewhat-tumultuous few years. Labor issues within the US are largely resolved and harvesting and processing equipment for cedarwood has improved due to Berjé’s direct investment at-source. As such, we expect the […]

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American Cedarwood Update

Feature Article
16th September 2022

Despite enduring another record-high summer of heat and droughts, the American cedarwood market continues on the road towards recovery.

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Berjé Barometer – 2022 Hurricane Season

Feature Article
27th April 2022

The 2022 hurricane season is shaping up to be above-average, with Colorado State University scientists predicting at least 19 named storms and nine hurricanes. Of these storms, it’s estimated that at least four will be Category 3 hurricanes or higher, all of which will have […]

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Berjé Barometer – Florida Freeze

Feature Article
2nd February 2022

South-Central Florida experienced a bout of extremely cold weather during the last few days of January, resulting in frost and icing throughout many Floridian orange groves. In the immediate aftermath of this event, farmers initially reported that the damage to their groves was minimal. However, […]

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The Dry Side of La Niña

Feature Article
10th January 2022

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) recently warned that Mexico is likely to experience a drought during the early months of 2022. This is a result of La Niña, which reduces cloud cover and causes moisture evaporation in many regions of Mexico and the […]

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Orange Harvest Forecasts

Feature Article
14th December 2021

The USDA Agricultural Statistics Board recently released its 2021-2022 Florida orange forecast for all varieties. The total is currently estimated at 46 million boxes, which is 1 million boxes lower than the previous estimate from October. If this number holds firm, it represents a 13% […]

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Berjé Barometer – The Return of La Niña

Feature Article
20th October 2021

The NOAA recently reported that prime conditions for La Niña have materialized in the atmosphere, indicating that the weather pattern will occur again this upcoming winter. Weather models currently predict a dry winter for the southern US and a wet, cold winter for the northern […]

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Global Currency Changes

Feature Article
14th June 2021

Once again, currency is playing a major role in the pricing of imported goods to the USA. Stronger currencies are emerging against the USD, riding the wave of higher commodity prices and taking advantage of global supply chain shortages. The largest and most widespread of […]

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Ocean Freight Complications

Feature Article
26th March 2021

Even though we’re only a few months into the year, 2021 has already presented several challenges regarding international shipping and ocean freight. The effects of Coronavirus continue to ripple throughout the global economy, with the most recent major shift being the new United States stimulus […]

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Chemical Industry in China, India, & the USA

Feature Article
25th February 2021

Since the ending of New Years, the Chinese market has been slightly turbulent. Currency within the region has stabilized but is still heading towards where it was back in 2018, with the government limiting exports and shifting the nation’s economy towards internal consumption. This is […]

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Global Citrus Update

Feature Article
18th January 2021

Many citrus-producing regions around the world have started their harvests, with numbers pouring in from every direction. In Argentina, the estimated output for fruit is around 1 million tons, showing a 40% increase from the previous year. This is a monstrous increase in quantity, and […]

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Orange Production

Feature Article
12th January 2021

Mexico Crop figures estimate that Mexico’s upcoming orange crop will be about 4 million tons, which represents an average/good year. This also signals a full recovery from the disastrous harvest of the previous crop season. Mexico’s current production is of similar size and quantity to […]

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